Building-up our technical competence is the quality base of service for our customers and SMART TECHNIK a.s.. It is confirmed by granted certificates and licenses:


NCAGE Code – (NATO Commercial and Governmental Entity Code)

The process of the NCAGE classification code assignment is included in the asset classification process.The code is assigned according to rules defined by the NATO codification system. It is based on the 309/2000 Sb. act and the edict of the Ministry of Defense no. 5/2001. NCAGE is the five-digit numeric code used to designate a manufacturer or supply/service provider to domestic and foreign customers, so called NATO commercial and governmental subject code. You can find all known company data under the code (company name, address, identification number, overview of economic activities, phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, www page links). It consists in three alphanumeric or numeric characters or their combinations. Residual two characters are used as a suffix and prefix, they are defined by NAMSA (NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency) and they are obligatory.

  1. a) Manufacturer: xxxxG
  2. b) Supplier: xxDxG
  3. c) Institution providing services of intangible character : xxSxG

NCAGE Code of our company: 1704G.